Frequently Asked Questions (faq)

Homebrew Python

If you installed Python via Homebrew on OS X and get this error:

must supply either home or prefix/exec-prefix -- not both

You can find a solution on here

Python package errors

Please ensure that you have the latest version of pip, setuptools and virtualenv

If you have error like this:



pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: regex==2017.6.07

you should update your pip and virtualenv packages

$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install -U virtualenv

Bundling error

This error is usually caused by not having installed the gcdt-bundler plugin:

(.python) root@:/app# AWS_PROFILE=superuser-dev ENV=qa ramuda deploy
ERROR: u'_zipfile'
ERROR: u'_zipfile'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/.python/bin/ramuda", line 11, in <module>
  File "/root/.python/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gcdt/", line 255, in main
    dispatch_only=['version', 'clean']))
  File "/root/.python/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gcdt/", line 195, in main
    return lifecycle(awsclient, env, tool, command, arguments)
  File "/root/.python/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gcdt/", line 142, in lifecycle
KeyError: u'_zipfile'

You need to add gcdt-bundler into requirements_gcdt.txt and do:

$ pip install -U -r requirements_gcdt.txt

Missing configuration error

After updating gcdt to the latest version you get the following error:

Configuration missing for ‘kumo’

This error appears if you used hocon based configs without having installed the glomex-config-reader plugin. You can install it or use conf2json util (only for glomex users) to transform your hocon configs into json one.

Environment variable error

If you run any gcdt commands (kumo, tenkai, ramuda etc) and get the following error:

ERROR: 'ENV' environment variable not set!

Environment variable “ENV” indicated the account/staging area you want to work with. This parameter tells the tools which config file to use. Please be sure that you provide the correct environment variables (ENV=PROD/DEV/etc.)

$ export ENV=DEV

Using hooks in gcdt

We implemented hooks in gcdt similar to the plugin mechanism.

You can use hooks in gcdt in the following places:

  • use hooks in a template
  • use hooks in a gcdt_<env>.py config file
  • use hooks in a Please specify the location of the hookfile in your config file.

For details on gcdt_lifecycle and gcdt_signals please take a look into the gcdt-plugins section of this documentation.